Crédits photos : document original
Station de biologie des Laurentides, Université de
Montréal, juin 2023. Un groupe de scientifiques sont réuni∙es pour jouer à un jeu de worldbuilding.
Leur mission : imaginer, collectivement, une station de recherche
fictive. Guidé par des cartes à jouer, le groupe est amené à se questionner, à
faire preuve d’introspection et à se positionner par rapport à différents
enjeux éthiques, techniques, relationnels. Leurs projections spéculatives se
mêlent aux récits d’expériences vécues, certain∙es
jouent à dessein des personnages aux motifs ambigus. Filmé dans un laboratoire
de la station universitaire, cette dernière devient l’arrière-plan de celle
imaginée par le groupe.
Station de biologie des Laurentides, Université de Montréal, June 2023.
A group of scientists are brought together to play a world-building game. Their task: to collectively imagine a fictional research station. Prompted by playing cards, the group is brought to question itself, to introspect and to take up positions on ethical, technical and relational issues. Their speculative projections combine with accounts of real-life experiences, some deliberately playing characters with ambiguous motives. Filmed in one of the Station's laboratories, it becomes the stage for the group's imaginary one.
A group of scientists are brought together to play a world-building game. Their task: to collectively imagine a fictional research station. Prompted by playing cards, the group is brought to question itself, to introspect and to take up positions on ethical, technical and relational issues. Their speculative projections combine with accounts of real-life experiences, some deliberately playing characters with ambiguous motives. Filmed in one of the Station's laboratories, it becomes the stage for the group's imaginary one.
With: Andy Maple, Francis Robitaille, Karim Bouvet, Maëva Perez, Mélisande Teng
Directed by: Laure Bourgault
Cinematography: Casper Wolski
Assistant Camera: Mégane Voghell
Sound Recordist: Antonin Bourgault
Editing: Laure Bourgault
Sound Design: Justin Leduc-Frenette
Merci à : Anne-Marie Belley, Gabriel Lanthier et l’équipe de la Station de biologie des Laurentides, Justin Leduc-Frenette, Andy Maple, Francis Robitaille, Karim Bouvet, Maëva Perez, Mélisande Teng, Antonin Bourgault, Casper Wolski, Mégane Voghell, Jonathan Demers et Laurent Vernet.

Crédits photos : document original